Currently Loving

A roundup of my current favorite gear, supplies and more...

currently loving flower farmer favorites

1. Pumpkin Soy Candle: I'm burning this one on repeat and can't seem to keep in stock in the shop. Smells just like a pumpkin pie in the oven without the work or extra calories!

2. Fleece Turtleneck: If you haven't seen me in one of these sweaters you must be new around here because  I wear them on constant rotation from October through March. 

3. Hori Hori: During planting my hori hori is always on hand. It's the ultimate must-have for a flower farmer!

4. Elevated Henley: This top looks and feels much pricier than it actually is. Perfect for layering!

5. Lip Mask: As the weather changes I need tons of moisturizers after a day in the field. This lip mask is a game changer! 

6. Turkish Throw Blanket: When I'm not in the field or the flower shop, you can find me wrapped up in this blanket with a good book!

7. Chelsea Boots: I've barely gone a day without wearting these boots since I got them. They're so comfortable and functional for the field, but cute enough for casual wear as well. 

8. Quilted Coat: This coat was on constant rotation last winter and I just pulled it out of the closet for fall. 

9. Toniebox: A little random, but the Toniebox is always on hand when the kids are working with me. They can set their own story or music and I'm happy that they're off of a screen!

What are you loving right now?

fall flower shop

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